Wearing comfort Innovative durable FR stretch fabrics in PPE: XLANCE® and Tecasafe® 360+ The introduction of FR stretch fabrics into the industrial safety market is relatively new. Most solutions are not suitable for the market as they lack... Read more Wearing comfort The Future of Oil & Gas Industry Workwear Is Stretchy With more stretch fabrics entering the protective workwear market each year, an increasing number of industries are discovering the benefits to worker comfort... Read more News Get ready for PBI® Peak5®: the ultimate performance in firefighting gear At TenCate Protective Fabrics, we’re thrilled to be launching PBI® Peak5®: an innovative new outer shell fabric. PBI® Peak5® is sure to be a game-changer for... Read more Wearing comfort Stretching the Limits: Tecasafe® 360+ Redefines Workwear Comfort Innovations over the last several years have pushed the limits of protective workwear comfort to a whole new level—and now we’re stretching them even further.... Read more Wearing comfort Increased Breathability Increases Safety The future of FR is here, and it's just getting more comfortable. In the last few years alone, the FR fabric industry has made tremendous strides in creating... Read more Wearing comfort Behind the trend: why protective fabrics are going lighter and lighter Industrial safety workers are longing for lighter fabrics due to the improved comfort they offer. Global warming, alongside warm, long summers, have... Read more Newsletter Receive the latest updates in your mail Wearing comfort Stay Comfortable in Protective Clothing During Summertime Summer is right around the corner. Factories will heat up, and those where machinery and production processes already produce a lot of heat will only get... Read more Wearing comfort 6 ways to improve FR workwear comfort Up until the last several years, the word "comfortable" was very unlikely to be associated with the FR garments most were familiar with. For too long, it was... Read more Wearing comfort Get the perfect fit: how to conduct a wear trial When you're only as safe as you are comfortable, it's more important than ever to ensure your PPE garments fit perfectly. Ill-fitting FR clothing can cause... Read more Wearing comfort Does Color Affect PPE Garment Comfort? This could be the shortest blog post ever: No, color does not affect comfort in PPE garments. Well, not technically. Conventional wisdom holds that you should... Read more