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Industrial Safety industries

Not Just Shirts and Pants: Viewing FR as Safety Equipment

At work or at home, clothes are clothes, right? But when what you’re wearing can mean the difference between life-altering injuries or walking away from a...


Industrial Safety industries

Safety on the Line: What Kind of Protective Workwear a Lineman Needs

Utility linemen have a dangerous job to do, and in order to make it home safe at the end of every day, they need the proper tools and protection to carry out...

How to mitigate the risks of combustible dust

Health & Safety Managers

How to mitigate the risks of combustible dust

For those who fully appreciate the danger of combustible dust, it’s the kind of workplace hazard that can keep you up at night. If you work anywhere that has...


Modacrylic Fibers: Why You Should Be Using Them

Durability, comfort, and protection are all important factors to consider when purchasing flame-resistant (FR) clothing. Modacrylic fibers are well-known for...

6 ways to improve FR workwear comfort

Wearing comfort

6 ways to improve FR workwear comfort

Up until the last several years, the word "comfortable" was very unlikely to be associated with the FR garments most were familiar with. For too long, it was...

Wear trials are a key stage in PPE garment selection

Wearing comfort

Get the perfect fit: how to conduct a wear trial

When you're only as safe as you are comfortable, it's more important than ever to ensure your PPE garments fit perfectly. Ill-fitting FR clothing can cause...


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Does Color Affect PPE Garment Comfort?

Wearing comfort

Does Color Affect PPE Garment Comfort?

This could be the shortest blog post ever: No, color does not affect comfort in PPE garments. Well, not technically. Conventional wisdom holds that you should...

A happy team is a safe team

Industrial Safety industries

A happy team is a safe team

Good safety managers know the value of having a happy team—and the cost of an unhappy one. How can you consistently create a positive environment that fosters...

Blog overview (14)

Industrial Safety industries

Prepared protection: what to consider for your next PPE selection

You work hard to create a zero-injury safety culture, and the PPE garments you and your team rely upon are a considerable factor in achieving that goal—one...