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Hi-vis clothing explained

Industrial Safety industries

How high-visibility clothing could save lives in work zones?

It takes real effort to keep industrial, utility, electrical, and construction workers safe on the job. It necessitates the use of appropriate personal...

Long-term effects pandemic on labour market

Working in textile

The long-term effects of the pandemic on the labour market

There’s no doubt that the onset of the pandemic had a dramatic impact on a range of industries worldwide. Employers and employees faced new challenges and...

Is FR-Treated Fabric the Best Choice for your Protective Clothing-1

Industrial Safety industries

Is FR-Treated Fabric the Best Choice for your Protective Clothing?

What’s the difference between FR-treated and inherent FR fabric? Two types of fabrics typically serve the market for flame-resistant protective clothing. These...

purchase best protective workwear

Regular workwear

How to Shift your Purchasing Focus for the Best Protective Workwear

Industries are facing price increases worldwide, and many report that it’s not changing anytime soon. There’s no doubt that the bottom line is important when...

Find out about the latest innovations

Industrial Safety industries

Join the Fashion Forward Innovation

For many years, FR workwear garment styles and fits worn by industrial professionals in fields like oil & gas, utilities, steel & metalwork have remained...

Difference between flame retardant and flame resistant explained

Metal & Steel industry

Flame-Retardant and Flame-Resistant Fabrics: What's the Difference?

There is a lot of confusion between flame-resistant and flame-retardant fabric. While these two phrases sound similar, each fabric is quite different, as they...


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In this blog, we discuss the pricing of protective clothing

Industrial Safety industries

Transparency and price increases: how clear communication opens up the protective clothing industry

Transparency has become a global trend which benefits businesses across numerous fields. The online world — which provides consumers with easy access to...

In this blog, we discuss the effects of hyperinflation in our supply chain


How hyperinflation in the supply chain affects the protective clothing industry

At present, many industries are facing huge challenges in their supply chains. Around the world, there is an imbalance between supply and demand. The...

Adding value to sustainable fabrics

Industrial Safety industries

Striking the perfect balance of values with sustainable PPE clothing

At TenCate Protective Fabrics, we have a duty to help our industry reduce its ecological impact. When it comes to sustainable protective clothing, our mission...

Protective clothing might feel like an insurance but it's a necessity

Industrial Safety industries

Protective Clothing - Not Just an Insurance but a Necessity

It might sound like a strange comparison, but protective clothing and insurance in fact have several things in common. And when all goes well, you don’t need...