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Building Momentum: Our 2023 Global Sustainability Report

We’re excited to share the latest milestone on our sustainability journey—the release of our 2023 Global Sustainability Report (GSR). Our second sustainability...



Get ready for PBI® Peak5®: the ultimate performance in firefighting gear

At TenCate Protective Fabrics, we’re thrilled to be launching PBI® Peak5®: an innovative new outer shell fabric. PBI® Peak5® is sure to be a game-changer for...

sustainability in workwear

Industrial Safety industries

Circularity in Protective Workwear

Within the textile industry, circular workwear is becoming a necessity. As sustainability continues to move up in our industry’s priorities, there are specific...

Protective Workwear Trends

Industrial Safety industries

What Are Trends in Protective Workwear? Innovation Beyond Seasons

When we think of clothing trends, we tend to think of the cyclical whims of mainstream fashion—what colors, fits, and styles are in vogue as the leaves change...


Industrial Safety industries

Take the Headache Out of Buying New FR

As a Health & Safety Manager, you already have a full plate in your day-to-day responsibilities. So when it comes time to tackle a more cyclical task, like...


Fire Service industry

Is Your Wildland Fire Gear Up to Date?

If you’ve been watching the news over the last few years, you’ve probably noticed an uptick in reports of wildland fires around the world. From California to...


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Fire Service industry

Reducing Heat Stress During Firefighting

Heat stress is a common worry for firefighters, especially during the summertime. However, there are technologies available on the market to support the...


Metal & Steel industry

Do you really understand what EN ISO 11612 means for your protective clothing?

FABRIC REQUIREMENTS ACCORDING TO EN ISO 11612 To meet the EN ISO 11612 standard, the protective fabric needs to pass at least two tests: the A test and at...



Smart Strategies for Making the Most of Your Protective Workwear Budget

Whether you’re a safety manager or an individual end user, purchasing flame-resistant protective garments can be stressful. How do you know if you’re getting...

Recycle bin and bunker gear


Recycling bunker gear

As the protective clothing industry actively seeks out ways to lessen its environmental impact, it’s natural to consider recycling garments when they have...