Tri-certified Nomex®
Features the proven dependability of DuPont™ Nomex®, it exhibits low flammability and high strength.
Proven quality, thermal stability, and affordable protection with tri-certification to NFPA 1971, 1975, 1977, and NFPA 2112.
Brigade® is available in a 7.5 osy in a wide range of colors for multi-use applications.
TenCate Protective Fabrics has been in the business of making inherently FR fabrics for decades. We deliver protection and peace of mind for firefighters by engineering fabrics from fibers with the names they know and trust. Brigade® is a trusted and proven FR fabric that has done hard work in the field.
Made with DuPont™ Nomex®, Brigade® stands up to the heat and to the tough jobs that need doing. When you need protection you can trust, choose a fabric that has a track record of success. Brigade® delivers on protection again and again
Looking for further advice on Fire service fabrics? Or do you have other questions regarding protective fabrics? Please reach out to our product specialists. They’re always happy to help answer any questions you might have.
Stay up to date on the latest innovations in protective fabrics.
TenCate Protective Fabrics APAC
589/101 Central City Tower Room No. OF1801, 18th Fl., Debaratna Rd., North Bangna, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2-745-6544
© 2025 TenCate Protective Fabrics